GREAT NEWS!! We will be open on Easter Monday for breakfast, brunch and/or lunch with AN EASTER EGG HUNT for children too. EGG HUNT from10 am -11 am. Incase you prefer ordering your all time favourite dish from our menu instead of one of our daily specials, our alá carte menu will also be available for you to choose from. #marcseatery #easteregghunt #maun #easterbrunch#easterbrunch
DATE: 04. April 2018 TIME: 08:00 am - 15:30 pm onwards LOCTATION: Marc's Eatery Sir Seretse Khama Rd. Maun, Botswana. FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CONTACT info@marcseatery.com https://www.marcs-eatery.com/reservations +267 6840883 or +267 76 014 587Â
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions https://www.marcs-eatery.com/contact-us